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Book 1 - My Adventure To The Park
Published: 29/01/2021
ISBN: 9781838254353
This is my first adventure. I stopped to rest in the park before I go on my adventures around the UK. There were children playing in the park. I make new friends with Elizabeth and Alex. They are kind children as they noticed that I was struggling with my rucksack, so they decided to give me a surprise present.
A relate-able book showing traditional values and encouraging children to consider others, share, make new friends and not to be afraid to ask questions to learn new things.
This is not just a short story book;
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Free sing along song

Verse 1
Theo is on his adventures
You can come too
He’s packed his bag full of ginger biscuits
And some for you
Verse 2
Theo, Theo high in the sky
Theo, Theo to where will you fly?
Chorus and Clap
Theo - Yellow bird
Theo - Yellow bird
Theo - Yellow Bird
Let’s go on an adventure with Yellow Bird
Verse 3
Are you ready for another story?
Oh yes, we are
Do you wonder where he’s flying off to?
Oh yes, we do
Verse 4
Theo, Theo high in the sky
Theo, Theo to where will you fly?
Chorus and Clap
Theo - Yellow Bird
Theo - Yellow Bird
Theo - Yellow Bird
I’m on an adventure with Yellow Bird
Repeat the Song once more…
Song and Lyrics written all created by
Dawn Bosley
©2021 Dawn Bosley™ Copyrighted Material

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