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Series 3 - Book 1
SERIES 3. Book 1
My Adventure on The West Somerset Railway
Featuring - Minehead Station.
Published: 22/03/2023
ISBN: 9781919624242
Theo arrives at the Minehead Station. This is Book 1 from a of series 3. A brand new series featuring stations on the West Somerset Railway.
The book features a few of the wonderful real-life volunteers that work at the station looking after these lovely trains.
A relate-able book showing traditional values and encouraging children to consider others, share, make new friends and not to be afraid to ask questions to learn new things.
This is not just a short story book;
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West Somerset Railway Book 1 Series 3 Song Lyrics
Theo is on his next adventure
as he arrives at Minehead Station
on the West Somerset Railway
Verse 1
Theo arrives
at Minehead station
It’s just by the sea
Verse 2
Steam trains
Diesel trains
Just for you
and me
Verse 3
Minehead station
has fun
for everyone
Verse 4
Steam trains
diesel trains
with lots to
do and see
Lick your ice-cream
Eat fish and chips
Blow a whistle
Find Kipper the Cat
Verse 5
Buzz is welding
Will makes nuts and bolts
Richard’s in the firebox
Mike shovels the coal
Verse 6
Come and see the turntable
turning the trains
It's like magic
as they face
the other way
Repeat once more.....

This Music is free to download as an MP3 or stream from platforms such as Spotify etc.

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